signs of hard water

The hows and whys of water softening How does water softening work? We dive into this question and more as we discover why soft water is important. How does hard water form? Before water enters your home, it collects calcium and magnesium — the hardness ions. This water is safe to drink but it’s hard on your home’s pipes and appliances as well as your skin and hair. Water softeners solve this problem once water enters your home. How do water softeners work? Water enters your home and goes to the water softener that is connected to your main water line. The first stage of softening occurs in the resin tank. Water circulates in the tank where tiny sodium-covered resin beads swap the calcium and magnesium in the water for the sodium they’re holding. The beads act as a scrubber, removing the hardness minerals out of your water. This process is known as ion exchange and soft water is the result. When the beads are coated in calcium and magnesium it’s time to regenerate or clean the beads so they can continue to work their softening magic. This is where salt comes in. The salt you add to your water softener creates a brine solution that is held in a small reservoir. The brine is pumped into the resin tank to strip the hardness minerals from the beads. Once they’re recharged, the beads are ready to soften more water. The used brine and minerals are drained from the softener allowing for the cycling to start again, ridding your household of all those pesky hard water problems. All this is done in one system and can save you money throughout your home. To learn more about how soft water can save you money check out our “The Impact of Hard Water On Your Wallet” video. If you’re ready to start softening your water, you can go to EcoPureHome to find the best solution for your home.